Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Webinars "iDigBio and Using schema.org and microdata for data discovery" 2014-04-15 at 1600 EDT

The topics for the next C4P Webinar are iDigBio (Gil Nelson, Florida State University) and Using schema.org and microdata for data discovery (Douglas Fils, Ocean Leadership Consortium).

The link to the webinar is
WebEx link for April 15, 4-5p ET (the date stated at the link updates weekly)
If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 73131647

For plain text postings where the link did not show up: Any updated links or information as well as the updated webinar schedule and archived presentations will be posted at

iDigBio (Gil Nelson, Florida State University)

Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) is NSF's national resource for facilitating and enabling the digitization of biological and paleobiological collection objects in non-federal, U.S. biodiversity collections. Through its portal it makes available data and images for millions of biological specimens in electronic format for the research community, government agencies, students, educators, and the general public.

Using schema.org and microdata for data discovery (Douglas Fils, Consortium for Ocean Leadership)

HTML5 developments in the area of microdata have provided methods for resource discovery based on structured data embedded into HTML pages.  Combined with the schema.org Dataset and other vocabularies this facilitates a means to bring structured data about scientific data resources to web pages.  This talk will demonstrate examples of these patterns applied to data.oceandrilling.org and other sites.  It will further provide live examples of these patterns and discuss methods that could be used to enhance domain specific data offerings.  

The format is 20 minutes per presenter, with two main parts: (a) a show-and-tell presentation of the science and the resource (b) discussion of the key informatics needs that the resource is facing. The intended audience for this webinar is professional paleogeoscientists and cyber/computer scientists.  All webinars will be recorded and publicly archived at http://workspace.earthcube.org/c4p/content/c4p-webinars.

More about C4P:
Technical information for webinars: cyber4paleo@gmail.com

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